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?Solarmovie? Watch Full Length The Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club ?Solarmovie?



rating=8 / 10 / director=John Hughes / 1985 / Brief=They were five students with nothing in common, faced with spending a Saturday detention together in their high school library. At 7 a.m., they had nothing to say, but by 4 p.m., they had bared their souls to each other and become good friends. To the outside world they were simply a Brain, an Athlete, a Basket Case, a Princess, and a Criminal, but to each other, they would always be the Breakfast Club / / genre=Drama

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Coco kid is going to grow up messed up lmao. Michella its not what it looks like.


The moment where everyone finds out who this guy is but he"s dead though. Can I eat? I don"t know. Give it a try. Wheres Birdman at to say “put some respecc on zayas name????. 16:33 What happened to the video games? We gon" revamp them LMAO. S T A N D A R D R E G U L A R L U N C H.

Molly ringwold was stunning. At least hes honest about his dishonesty. The Middle two Ladies are on The Leader Mentality. The lady the secret service spoke to could lead a revolution. Those hills definitely have eyes. If u watch What The Health on Netflix you will see how ridiculous it is for humans to drink any other milk besides human milk ?? ??. He claims hes hard when he not and he advertises drugs to his 12 year old fans. sounds like every other rapper nowadays. 15:08. “Sounds like being black” My thoughts exactly.

Incognito time. Char was straddling that fence like Simone Biles on beam. Char: Their. Angela: Her. Char: Ummmm. yeah. So anyway... Translation: I"m a Black sellout who took a bag to encourage Black kids to ruin themselves with drugs like my idol, Future. The South ruined Hip Hop. I"m in the physics club too. The two ladies in the middle are boss women, who can get real money. Just brillant. The blonde headed lady she just gangster, but the lady on the opposite end of the table, she just a common thief, period with no special skills. Noooooooo damnit Just no... "You see us as you want to see the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions. You see us as a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal. Correct?
"The Breakfast club, a wonderful film that perfectly depicts the five main social groups. The brainiacs, the sporty kids, the weird outsiders, the popular kids, and the troublemakers. In the 80"s, this was all there was. You were part of one of these groups and that was it. The year is now 2015, 30 years since the release of the film, and yet it is still regarded as a film that accurately depicts what high school is like. But how can that be? Can high school really be the same now as it was in 1985? The answer is yes. School cliques and social statuses do still exists, they"re just not exactly the same as they used to be. But although these cliques may have changed and people may belong to more than one of them, they"re still around and that"s why the breakfast club is still regarded as a realistic portrayal of high school.
I"ve always been a huge fan of the film. I"m not sure what it is about it that I love so much. Maybe it"s the dynamic and relatable characters, the simplicity, or maybe it"s the message. This film does more than just entertain, it gives us a glimpse into the lives teenagers and shows us what lies behind all of our conventional exteriors. It shows us that there is so much depth and meaning beneath our surfaces and that our true selves can be a lot harder to discover than we may think. The director, John Hughes, does this in such a beautifully simple and casual manner too. The entire film takes place in the one setting that revolves around all of the main characters, school. Sometimes as I watch, I feel as though I"m in the library with them, learning about their lives outside of school and the hardships they face on a day to day basis.
One constant that I"ve found lies within the film is the fact that all of the adults in it have something in common: they"ve grown up; and just like Allison said, When you grow up your heart dies." All of the adults except for one, Carl, the school"s janitor, who seems to be the saving grace of the film and living proof that not all adults have to be so clueless and cruel. Probably because being the janitor means being " the eyes and ears of this institution." He"s the only one who understands what they go through and how they truly feel for he is a constant first-hand witness of what their lives are really like, unlike Vernon.
Vernon is the Principal of the school and is made out to be the antagonist of the film. He is a character who is grumpy, tired, and fed up with idle teenagers that every year seem to become more and more nettlesome and unwilling to behave and treat him with the respect that he feels he deserves. The person who knocks some sense into him is our favourite janitor, Carl. He enlightens him and tells him that the students aren"t the ones who are changing, he is. But is Vernon really the bad guy he"s made out to be? Well if you think about it, it"s not his fault that the students did what they did to get into detention. In fact, instead of just letting the students off with a warning, he threw away an entire Saturday so that they could sit in school and think about what they had done and why they were there; and remember that essay he wanted them all to write? He told them all to write one thousand words describing who they thought they were, something that I thought sounded absolutely ridiculous when I first saw the film. But the entire story is about them discovering who they really are. So really it"s because of Vernon that they were all there together on that Saturday and it"s because of him that they spent the day attaining a deep understanding of who they are. If you really think about it, without principal Vernon, there would be no breakfast club.
I"ve yet to hear of someone who has disliked the movie. It really is a film that is enjoyable for any and all audience members. A film that reminds us all that we are so much more than our appearances and the cliques we belong to. A timeless classic that has been enjoyed by many and will be enjoyed by many more. It"s fun to watch and yet also contains a deep and beautiful meaning; and it even has a catchy and memorable song to play over the final scene, which is always a nice touch.

I love that even the food scene represents there personalities even more tho ??. He saying Why he tryna use my name though? When he stole that name first. The original Soulja Boy was from Mo Thugs. This dude just added an h. If Lamar is a recovering addict wtf is he on drink ?? champs????‍??. He"s making his Small Hat handlers very proud. I feel like hes sober this interview. Bruh wasn"t this news with them two a few years ago ? Recycling stories now. No doubt this film will always impress teenage viewers- I couldn"t stop watching it 15 years ago and was disappointed when my mother dismissed it as "cute" and "self-involved. Well, it is- and although it definately invokes memories of the 1980"s, the films self-importance begins to cloud my adult appreciation. Its not as fun as "Sixteen Candles" or "Ferris Bueller"s Day Off, also by Hughes.

So going by CTG"s logic, You can"t call out someone for being stupid, if lots of other people are being stupid in the same way. ok.